Registering Abstract Classes with the UVM Factory
Every now and again I stumble upon a situation where it's natural to use an abstract class. A typical example is when working with parameterized classes and wanting to swap parameterizations:
virtual class some_abstract_component extends uvm_component;
pure virtual function void do_stuff();
virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
class some_concrete_param_component #(type T = int) extends
virtual function void do_stuff();
$display("I'm doing %s stuff", $typename(T));
This is something we used in the post on coverage extendability, when we talked about having policy classes as parameters to coverage collector components.
Each parameterization of a class creates an own inheritance tree independent of the others. If we want to be able to store any parameterization in a variable, we need a common base class:
some_abstract_component comp;
some_concrete_param_component #(bit) bit_comp = new();
some_concrete_param_component #(real) real_comp = new();
// allowed
comp = bit_comp;
// also allowed
comp = real_comp;
By tagging the base class as virtual we've marked it as incomplete. We've declared that it can do something (via the do_stuff() function), but we haven't yet told the compiler how it can do it. This is left to sub-classes. We want to be able to easily swap parameterizations, without resorting to a big if/else cascade or a long case statement. This is what the UVM factory is for. Assuming that both types are registered with the factory we could do the following:
some_abstract_component comp = some_abstract_component::type_id::create(...);
// In a test, before creating 'comp'
some_concrete_param_component #(bit)::get_type());
// In a different test, also before creating 'comp'
some_concrete_param_component #(real)::get_type());
The type overrides let the factory know that wherever we wanted to instantiate some_abstract_component it should instantiate the overridden type instead. We can't (officially) do this out of the box.
Depending on your simulator you can see one of the following outcomes when using the uvm_object_utils macro with a virtual class:
- the code compiles without any problems; if the virtual class constructor ends up being called (which would happen if we'd forget to set an override) a fatal error is issued
- you get a warning that you're trying to instantiate a virtual class, but the code still compiles; as above, actually calling the constructor is not allowed
- the compiler stops with an error saying that it's illegal to instantiate a virtual class
Out of the three above, only outcome number 3 follows the LRM strictly. In the interest of portability, we shouldn't be writing code that relies on vendor "features" to compile. This is the whole reason why we as an industry have moved to SystemVerilog, isn't it?
Let's look at what the uvm_component_utils macro expands to:
virtual class some_abstract_class extends uvm_component;
// ...
// `uvm_component_utils(some_abstract_class)
`m_uvm_component_registry_internal(some_abstract_class, some_abstract_class)
Let's dig deeper and see how factory registration is done by also expanding the m_uvm_component_registry_internal(...) macro:
virtual class some_abstract_class extends uvm_component;
// ...
// `m_uvm_component_registry_internal(some_abstract_class, ...)
typedef uvm_component_registry #(some_abstract_class,
"some_abstract_class") type_id;
static function type_id get_type();
return type_id::get();
virtual function uvm_object_wrapper get_object_type();
return type_id::get();
The veil of secrecy is being lifted. The ominous type_id that we've been using is actually a typedef that is shorthand for a parameterization of uvm_component_registry. If we open up its source code we can find the offending function:
class uvm_component_registry #(...) extends uvm_object_wrapper;
// After elaboration with 'some_abstract_class' as an parameter
virtual function uvm_component create_component (string name,
uvm_component parent);
some_abstract_class obj;
obj = new(name, parent); // !!!
return obj;
// ...
The create_component(...) function calls new(...) to get an object of the type its parameterized with, which in our case is some_abstract_class. Because of this, we can't parameterize uvm_component_registry with a virtual class. The same point also applies for classes that inherit directly from uvm_object and its corresponding uvm_object_registry.
Before we continue, it might be a good idea to take a step back and look at what exactly happens when we create an object using the factory. The first cog in the machine is the uvm_object_wrapper class, which contains two methods, create_object(...) and create_component(...). The class itself is virtual and these methods are almost pure virtual (in the sense that they don't do anything):
virtual class uvm_object_wrapper;
virtual function uvm_object create_object (string name="");
return null;
virtual function uvm_component create_component (string name,
uvm_component parent);
return null;
A class that can be created by the factory must have a corresponding uvm_object_wrapper associated with it, that implements the corresponding create_*(...) function to call that class's constructor, thereby returning an instance of that class:
class some_class extends uvm_object;
extern function new(string name);
class some_class_wrapper extends uvm_object_wrapper;
virtual function uvm_object create_object(string name);
some_class obj = new(name);
return obj;
The factory can create an instance of some_class by using its wrapper:
class uvm_factory;
function uvm_object create_object_by_type(uvm_object_wrapper requested_type,
string name = ""
// ...
return requesed_type.create_object(name);
// ...
It would be rather boring if this is all it would do, because what would then be the point of using the factory? We could just as easily create an object in our user code. What the factory first does is it checks if there is an override in place. If there is, instead of calling create_object(...) on the wrapper it got as an argument, it's going to call it on the wrapper of the overriding type:
class uvm_factory;
function uvm_object create_object_by_type(uvm_object_wrapper requested_type,
string name = ""
uvm_object_wrapper returned_type;
if (has_override(requested_type))
returned_type = get_override(requested_type);
returned_type = requested_type;
return returned_type.create_object(name);
// ...
For simplicity, we can imagine that the lookup mechanism works like a look up table, which maps one wrapper to a potentially different wrapper.
Let's go back to how wrappers are defined. What we've looked at up to now are the classes behind the curtain of encapsulation, that we as users don't normally see. As the task of registering a class with the factory is something that we need to do quite often, the nice people at Accellera defined some classes that can handle this easily: uvm_object_registry and uvm_component_registry. These are sub-classes of uvm_object_wrapper and parameterized with the class they are supposed to create:
class uvm_object_registry #(type T=uvm_object) extends uvm_object_wrapper;
typedef uvm_object_registry #(T) this_type;
// ...
This way, these classes can provide generic implementations of create_object(...) and create_component(...), respectively:
class uvm_object_registry #(type T=uvm_object) extends uvm_object_wrapper;
// ...
virtual function uvm_object create_object(string name);
T obj = new(name);
return obj;
By having the class of interest as a parameter, we avoid having to always declare a sub-class for each new class we want to use with the factory. The *_registry classes also provide the famous create(...) function we've been told to always call instead of new(...). This function gets an instance of the registry class its being called on and passes it to the factory to do the actual creation:
class uvm_object_registry #(type T=uvm_object) extends uvm_object_wrapper;
// ...
static function T create(string name);
uvm_object obj;
uvm_factory f = uvm_factory::get();
obj = f.create_object_by_type(get());
if (!$cast(create, obj))
uvm_report_fatal("FCTTYP", "...", UVM_NONE);
The registry classes are implemented as singletons; this means that there can only ever be a single instance of a certain registry and the get(...) function will return it. The object returned by the factory needs to be cast to make sure that it's compatible with the original class. This means it has to be of either the same type or a sub-class.
Now that we know a little more about how the factory mechanism is implemented, we can get back to the problem at hand: associating abstract classes with registry classes.
A cool feature that C++ has is template specialization. This means that it's possible to modify the implementation of the code that gets generated when a template is specialized with a certain type. For our example, this would mean that we would writing something like:
class uvm_component_registry #(some_abstract_class, ...) extends
// After elaboration with 'some_abstract_class' as an parameter
virtual function uvm_component create_component (string name,
uvm_component parent);
`uvm_fatal("NEWERR", "Trying to create a virtual class")
return null;
This means that for all other classes except some_abstract_class the create_component(...) function does exactly what it used to do in the generic implementation (i.e. it instantiates an object). For some_abstract_class it issues a fatal error instead, because this means that the user forgot something (most likely a factory override). This mechanism isn't supported by SystemVerilog, so we'll have to find another solution.
If we go back to the macro expansion, we can see that we can replace the type of type_id with something other than uvm_component_registry. We need a different class that extends uvm_object_wrapper, but doesn't call the constructor of the class it's parameterized with and instead issues a fatal error:
class vgm_abstract_component_registry #(type T=uvm_component,
string Tname="<unknown>") extends uvm_object_wrapper;
virtual function uvm_component create_component(string name,
uvm_component parent
`uvm_fatal("INTERR", $sformatf("Trying to create an instance of class %s",
return null;
// ...
We also need to implement the singleton infrastructure required to get an instance of the class:
class vgm_abstract_component_registry #(type T=uvm_component,
string Tname="<unknown>") extends uvm_object_wrapper;
typedef vgm_abstract_component_registry #(T, Tname) this_type;
local static this_type me = get();
static function this_type get();
if (me == null) begin
uvm_factory f = uvm_factory::get();
me = new();
return me;
// ...
The key part of the whole mechanism, the create(...) function is still missing. Notice that we've extended our class from uvm_object_wrapper directly. What I first tried was to extend uvm_component_registry, so I would only need to override the methods of interest and inherit the rest from the base class. This didn't work, because that would mean elaborating the base class with a virtual class as its parameter, which results in an instant compile error. Even if the latter doesn't happen, since the create(...) function of uvm_component_registry calls the class's get() function (which is static) it won't ever be possible to get it to call the get() function defined in the sub-class. This means that the factory would always receive an instance of uvm_component_registry.
What we need to do is (gasp!) duplicate the code that implements create(...) and set_*_override(...), to allow users to use the new registry class in the same way as the original one from UVM:
class vgm_abstract_component_registry #(type T=uvm_component,
// ...
static function T create(string name, uvm_component parent, string contxt="");
// ...
static function void set_type_override (uvm_object_wrapper override_type,
bit replace=1);
// ...
static function void set_inst_override(uvm_object_wrapper override_type,
string inst_path,
uvm_component parent=null);
// ...
A lot of this clipboard based inheritance could have been avoided with some better choice of class hierarchy. Even the uvm_object_registry and uvm_component_registry classes contain a lot of duplicated code that could have been refactored. For example, a uvm_registry base class could have provided the required infrastructure for creation and factory overrides.
Aside from registering a class with the factory, we've seen that the uvm_*_utils macros do a bit more, like implementing the get_type_name() function. To have a similar look and feel to the UVM macros, we could define their abstract counterparts:
`define vgm_abstract_component_utils(T) \
`m_vgm_abstract_component_registry_internal(T,T) \
`define m_vgm_abstract_component_registry_internal(T,S) \
typedef vgm_abstract_component_registry #(T,`"S`") type_id; \
static function type_id get_type(); \
return type_id::get(); \
endfunction \
virtual function uvm_object_wrapper get_object_type(); \
return type_id::get(); \
I've only shown the abstract_component_utils macro, but we can extend the concept to the abstract_object_utils macro, their begin/end variants and the param versions. I know we're not supposed to be using the m_uvm_* versions of the macros, but I like to live on the wild side. For code that is supposed to enhance the library, I guess it's not a big problem if it's tightly coupled to its implementation.
If you find yourself in need of registering an abstract class with the factory, you can download the full code from GitHub.