Do You Want Sprinkles with That? - Mixing in Constraints

The goal of modern verification techniques is to do as much as possible with as little code as possible. This is best done with a "write once, tweak everywhere" approach to test development. This type of flexibility comes for free in AOP; that's why it's built into e's DNA. For OOP, however, it requires thought and planning, and is achieved by using design patterns. One reason why the UVM exists is to encapsulate some of these patterns for us (especially the factory). Even so, this doesn't mean that some design pattern knowledge won't help us do fancy stuff in our code.

In this post I want to talk about how to layer constraints across the sequence item class hierarchy. My points would be best understood by looking at a concrete example. Let's say that our DUT has an AHB bus. I've chosen AHB because it's very widespread and most of you will have already worked with it. We'll keep things simple and only consider a reduced sequence item:

class vgm_ahb_item extends uvm_sequence_item;
rand bit[31:0] addr;
rand direction_e direction;
rand burst_e burst;
rand size_e size;
rand mode_e mode;
rand privilege_e privilege;

rand int unsigned delay;

constraint delay_init_val {
delay inside { [0 : 10] };

constraint no_instr_write {
mode == INSTR -> direction == READ;

constraint aligned_address {
size == HALFWORD -> addr[0:0] == 0;
size == WORD -> addr[1:0] == 0;

// ...

Address and direction are pretty self explanatory. Burst tells us how many bus cycles will be performed. Size represents the number of bytes transferred in each bus cycle. Mode tells us whether we are moving data or instructions. Finally, there is also privilege that shows us from what part of the code the access originated. The item already contains some structural constrains given by the protocol.

Let's say we've written two tests for our DUT. The first test does write/read-back pairs at random locations to make sure that the entire address space is accessible. It does this by starting the following sequence:

class write_read_sequence extends uvm_sequence #(vgm_ahb_item);
virtual task body();
req = vgm_ahb_item::type_id::create("req");

for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) begin
if (!req.randomize() with { direction == WRITE; })
`uvm_error("RANDERR", "Randomization error")

req.direction = READ;
if (!req.randomize(delay))
`uvm_error("RANDERR", "Randomization error")

The second test does purely random accesses inside the address space by starting another sequence:

class random_access_sequence extends uvm_sequence #(vgm_ahb_item);
virtual task body();
req = vgm_ahb_item::type_id::create("req");

for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) begin
if (!req.randomize())
`uvm_error("RANDERR", "Randomization error")

After running these tests for a while with different seeds we stumble onto a bug. It seems our device has problems when doing privileged data accesses. Addresses within 0x0 and 0x20 cause trouble when being accessed by single word bursts. We want to put more emphasis on these transfers to make sure that we're really stressing this part of the DUTs functionality. This is where "write once, tweak everywhere" comes along. We can just run the same tests as before, but add a new constraint to make the problematic bursts more likely.

This is best done by creating a new test that starts the same sequence, but sets a type override on the sequence item. This new sequence item would be defined in the same file as the test and would contain the extra constraint:

class write_read_corner_case_ahb_item extends vgm_ahb_item;
constraint corner_case {
mode dist { DATA := 3, INSTR := 1 };
privilege dist { PRIVILEGED := 3, USER := 1 };
(mode == DATA && privilege == PRIVILEGED) ->
(addr inside { [32'h0:32'h20] } && size == WORD && burst == SINGLE);

The new write_read test would just extend the previous one that already starts the sequence and just set a type override:

class test_write_read_corner_case extends test_write_read;
function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
uvm_factory factory = uvm_factory::get();

We'd want to do the same thing for the random_access test. If we define a similar sequence item in another test file it immediately becomes clear that we've doubled up information. The same constraint would exist in two files. At this point we could do a tradeoff between encapsulation and maintainability. We can declare the corner_case item outside of the tests, in some common location. This will make it fall under shared ownership (as all test writers would see it), with all the challenges that brings. At least we wouldn't need to maintain the same constraint in two (or potentially more) files.

With that settled, we run our regression longer, but we find another bug. This one has to do with reading words with 0 delay. As before, we want to guide our randomization efforts more on this one too. Adding a constraint to both of the tests is the same case that we looked at above. We can handle it in the same way. What we do notice, however, is that this bug, like the previous one, affects WORD transfers. It makes sense to try and combine this constraint with the one from above and make sure that we don't have any other bugs at the intersection of these two cases.

Before we proceed, let's summarize. We've currently defined a corner_case item and a fast_reads item that we can use to tweak the initial tests with:

class corner_case_ahb_item extends vgm_ahb_item;
constraint corner_case {
mode dist { DATA := 3, INSTR := 1 };
privilege dist { PRIVILEGED := 3, USER := 1 };
(mode == DATA && privilege == PRIVILEGED) ->
(addr inside { [32'h0:32'h20] } && size == WORD && burst == SINGLE);

class fast_reads_ahb_item extends vgm_ahb_item;
constraint fast_reads {
size dist { WORD := 3, BYTE := 1, HALFWORD := 1 };
(direction == READ && size == WORD) -> delay == 0;

Now we need an item that contains both constraints. This kind of gets us stumped. Which of these items should we extend from? Is our new item a corner_case item with an extra constraint? If so, then we should extend from corner_case_ahb_item:

class corner_case_fast_reads_ahb_item extends corner_case_ahb_item;
constraint fast_reads {
size dist { WORD := 3, BYTE := 1, HALFWORD := 1 };
(direction == READ && size == WORD) -> delay == 0;

Or is it a fast_reads item with an extra constraint? In that case we should extend from fast_reads_ahb_item:

class corner_case_fast_reads_ahb_item extends fast_reads_ahb_item;
constraint corner_case {
mode dist { DATA := 3, INSTR := 1 };
privilege dist { PRIVILEGED := 3, USER := 1 };
(mode == DATA && privilege == PRIVILEGED) ->
(addr inside { [32'h0:32'h20] } && size == WORD && burst == SINGLE);

No matter what we do, however, we're doubling up some code. The problem only gets worse if we want to add a third constraint and so on.

Our conceptual failure was that this new item is neither a corner_case_ahb_item nor a fast_reads_ahb_item with a little bit on top. It's actually both. We need to do multiple inheritance, but SystemVerilog only supports single inheritance. Bummer, huh?

Actually, no. We already talked about how to fake multiple inheritance using the mixin pattern in a previous post. Let's apply it here. Instead of having a corner_case item or a fast_reads item, let's have a mixin for each constraint:

class corner_case_mixin #(type T) extends T;
constraint corner_case {
mode dist { DATA := 3, INSTR := 1 };
privilege dist { PRIVILEGED := 3, USER := 1 };
(mode == DATA && privilege == PRIVILEGED) ->
(addr inside { [32'h0:32'h20] } && size == WORD && burst == SINGLE);

class fast_reads_mixin #(type T) extends T;
constraint fast_reads {
size dist { WORD := 3, BYTE := 1, HALFWORD := 1 };
(direction == READ && size == WORD) -> delay == 0;

Actually, we can still have those old items, but we should implement them using the mixins:

class corner_case_ahb_item extends corner_case_mixin #(vgm_ahb_item);

class fast_reads_ahb_item extends fast_reads_mixin #(vgm_ahb_item);

We can implement the new item with both constraints by applying the other mixin on top of a previously mixed in item:

class corner_case_fast_reads_ahb_item extends
fast_reads_mixin #(corner_case_ahb_item);

It doesn't really matter what order we do it in. We'll get the same great flavor either way:

class fast_reads_corner_case_ahb_item extends
corner_case_ahb_mixin #(fast_reads_ahb_item);

We can even apply the mixins successively starting from the base ahb_item:

class corner_case_fast_reads_ahb_item extends
fast_reads_mixin #(corner_case_mixin #(vgm_ahb_item));

You get the idea. We can add as many as we want in whatever order we want.

As a bonus, we don't even need to have shared items anymore. We can only share mixins inside some central location in our package. We can shift the responsibility of defining items for the overrides back to the tests:

class test_write_read_corner_case_fast_reads extends test_write_read;

// nested class
class ovr_seq_item extends fast_reads_mixin #(corner_case_mixin #(

function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
uvm_factory factory = uvm_factory::get();

By defining the override item inside the test as a nested class we make it clear that it's not supposed to be used anywhere else. We also make it impossible to accidentally reference items defined in other test files, because these items aren't declared in the package scope anymore. We just have to be careful not to use "by name" overrides, since that might get us into trouble (as items might share the same name).

What we've done here is traded up the value chain. We gained maintainability by doing away with doubled up constraints. Our approach also allows us to shift on the encapsulation scale (global override items vs. test encapsulated override items). We didn't create this from nothing, though. We added intelligence into our code by using the mixin patter.

I've taken some liberties with the code I posted by removing calls to UVM macros and constructor definitions, to keep it short and focus on the important topics. You can find the complete code on SourceForge. I've also added a third "bug" to investigate - "slow writes". Have a look at the commit history to see how the code base shrinks when using mixins, compared to a classical approach.
